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Youth Mental Health Summit with Maeve Tedone (Springfield, MA)

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

During Mental Health Awareness Month, I was honored to attend the Youth Mental Health Summit hosted on May 6th, 2023 by Beat the Odds and Springfield Youth Mental Health Coalition.

This was a youth led initiative to provide resources and workshops about mental health to youth in Springfield, Massachusetts and surrounding cities. Jelan Agnew, LCSW spoke as the keynote speaker and a panel of mental health professionals led a discussion about mental health for teens and their parents. Curious what they talked about? You can watch the full panel discussion here! The afternoon was filled with awesome workshops just for teens.

I had so much fun meeting some of the youth who put on the event and sharing my books with them. It's the Depression for Me, It's the Awkwardness for Me, and It's the Confidence for Me continue to be books young people, parents, and professionals alike can relate to in order to open up the conversation about mental health.

Have an event coming up for youth or parents? Let's talk! Contact me here about speaking opportunities or purchasing books. I'd love to support you as you help youth improve their social, emotional, and mental health!

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Now Available!
It's the Confidence for Me

How to Go from Embarrassed and Insecure to Cool and Confident

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